Seattle Roadtrip

What do you mean there’s no internet?

Yeah, I didn’t line that up very well, did I?

I’ve been on the road quite a bit this summer. Nothing exciting. Just things that needed to be taken care of. Two weeks ago I was in Seattle getting my youngest settled into a new place and I caught the Star Trek exhibit at the EMP Museum. Okay. That was exciting. And yeah, the last one leaving the nest is pretty thrilling. Not a week at the beach thrilling but yay, thrilling. So, scratch that. This summer has been awesome!

Thanks to a lack of internet at wee one’s new apartment, and another quick trip last week, I’m finally catching up here.

EMP has a lot to offer. Most likely. I skimmed it all looking for the Star Trek exhibit. Costumes, sets, props, miniatures, a borg chamber and a transporter set where you can act out a scene, complete with special effects, while a friend or kindly stranger records it from a monitor with their phone. There was a line and I was alone so I skipped that part.

Bad Kirk’s uniform from Mirror, Mirror
Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe? Wait, that’s Galaxy Quest
Kick-Ass women of Voyager. Well, their clothes anyway.


And the Guys! Plus Deanna, post intergalactic cheerleader


Forget the transporter, I wanted to play on this set



I did manage to find someone to snap a few photos of me in the borg chamber. How does somebody take out of focus photos on an iPhone?



The detail was amazing
Resistance is…wait…batteries low…hold that thought
Hey how did he get in there? Exterma-what? Hang on, let me get a little closer 

On a cold rainy night like tonight, all I want to do is bury myself under a zillion blankets and pop in some of the original series. Since I still have some edits for How to Sex Your Snake, that will have to wait.

Go boldly and write on,


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Melissa Banczak has lived all over the country, thanks to her now-retired military spouse. She currently resides in Florida, where she’s a reasonable driving distance to roller coasters in the Orlando area. An unexpected encounter with her daughter’s nine foot boa, Strawberry Margarita, led to the idea for the first book in her June Nash Misadventure series. When she’s not writing, she and her husband run. Slowly. She accidentally completed her first marathon in 2017, when she didn’t hear her husband ask if she’d like to stop at 13.1. She would have. You can contact her at

3 thoughts on “Seattle Roadtrip

  1. I wish I could take credit for that line. It came from Marina Sirtis, the actress who played Deanna, while describing her ridiculous costume first season. She said it in an interview and I thought it was pretty damn funny and accurate.


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